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Drawn and Disorderly: URBNPOP and RED BRICK BREWING CO join up to support local arts! | Terminus Tees

Written by Rebekah Ladd | Nov 19, 2015 3:45:00 PM

Atlanta is home to some amazing artists including our friend, Chris Hamer, AKA URBNPOP. His art is full of humor, character, and life. He takes the ordinary to a place of whimsy with bright colors and 3D features. Truly unique and brilliant, we had to have his art adorn our office. So, we commissioned him to illustrate the great "TERMINUS CITY"!

Unknowingly, from this fantastic piece of art our crazy peach head mascot, FUZZ, was born. Since then we have featured him on stickers, beer taps, and this year he was brought to life by an incredible local special effects artist and director, Matt Green.

We are so thankful for local artists and are honored to be invited to "Drawn and Disorderly". The event is Friday, 11/20 from 7:00-11:00pm at Red Brick Brewing Co. URBNPOP has invited several other local artists to come and feature their work. A portion of the proceeds from all pieces sold will go to the artist's charity of choice. PLUS the first 50 people who purchase will get a "Support Local Arts" tee! We will also be there supporting the cause, giving away some TERMINUS goodies, and showing off our new printing technique: TERMISOFT™ UNLIMITED, a perfect way for artists to capture their work on a tee with no restrictions on color! So, come on out and help SUPPORT LOCAL ARTS! See you there!